Dear Friends, Relatives, Colleagues, Romans, Countrymen, devoted readers, blah, blah,
It is fitting that today's post will be late, part of my new laissez-faire attitude toward blogging. Though I also blame it on this stupid early daylight saving time rollback.
But I digress. For over 2 1/2 years, I have blogged on a schedule. First, two posts at 1 and 5, and more recently, once a day at 1 PM.
Lately, other things have been crowding my schedule. I'm preparing to take a recertification exam. We are moving to a new workplace in a month, lock, stock and pussy-cat. And work's been a bear. I have a number of trips coming up, some work, some pleasure. And I squeeze in a dance lesson when I can.
And so it's become too too. The things that should relax and divert me have become deadlines and pressure. I'd come in late from work, and know I had to pre-post something for the next day, and get it done before I went to bed, because it sure wasn't going to happen in the morning if I expect to be at work by 0630.
For that reason, I am going off-schedule with the blog. No more daily posts. I'll post when I have something to say. And I have plenty to say. I'll keep going with books and movies I find interesting, good recipes, and places to travel, interesting things and people. But I won't push myself to post when I have no ideas. (Oh, God, now I feel the ideas rushing into my head...).
I won't have to prepost for trips, or take the computer for short trips. Besides, now I can do short posts from my cell phone if I have something to share.
I know I'll lose some readers, I realize that some will migrate away after checking a few times and finding nothing to divert them. Others will stick it out.
I have to do what I have to do. Thanks for your help and support as we go through this transition. Hopefully, In the Headlights will be a better blog for the change.
[Image of Harold Lloyd in Safety Last from Wikipedia]
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