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December 31, 2008


Deborah Jane

Ah, most excellent lady, you came through :) I'm excited to hear how the inauguration goes!


This year is going to be an interesting one. I am also waiting to see how our new president is going perform.
I have a new vegetable garden and plan on growing as many of our own produce as I can.
Happy New Year to you.


Excellent blog. I found you when I searched for the pronunciation of "ceilidh." I was invited to one last night and didn't want to sound completely ignorant. Thanks for the lesson. I also enjoyed your year-end posts and felt I had found someone living a somewhat parallel life. I, too, am looking forward to your account of the inauguration. I'll be back!


i like this post and i like that you are posting again, if only infrequently. thought i'd lost you [sad]. and, since you have chided me before for this, here is one of my new year resolutions: i am going to be brazenly unashamed, until the day i actually learn to type with more than 2 fingers, for my unabashed non-utilization of capital letters. you have hinted that it is intellectual sloth, but i think it is arthritis. i feel emboldened!
miss you.


great tree! i wish it were chistmass time now!!!

sealcoating 06488

That is a very nice looking tree and the lights look especially good. My family has an all white Christmas tree with the bulbs built in which makes set up easier but it is also kind of soulless.

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a very heartwarming post you got here :))

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The upshot is that Tom and I are going to fly up, stay with them, and we are all going to try to get as close as we can

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Im so happy to hear its comeback. Thanks!

vibram five fingers

It was going to be insanely large crowds and they were going to stay home and watch the spectacle on their new TV.

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Durability is another feature of LED lighting. They do not have glass tubes that may possibly break as well as trigger injury.


Very nice blog. That's very cute tree. Keep on posting nice creatures.

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How many different kind of LED and pcs. in there in the Christmas Tree well I love to feel always a present of a Christmas month always.. Thanks for sharing

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