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« Five Anything But Easy Pieces | Main | Atchafalaya Houseboat, 30 Years Later »

August 22, 2008



Please accept my sympathy on the loss of Dandelion. He was beautiful.


i would let him live till he dies naturally.


I'm about a month late, but please accept my heartfelt condolences. It was just three years ago that I lost my Beauregard. My thoughts and good wishes are with you.


I am sorry I am late but I know what its like to lose an animal. I had a dog that had a lump in her throat and the same thing happened, the vet phoned and said they have to put her down. I MISS HER..!

Ghoulie Hatfield

I know how you feel i lost 3 cats. we found them under the house so we keept them.they were the same age all 1! they dided same way fist candy then henry and finaly misty

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Hey losing any animal it's really very sad day and very hard time in anybody lifes. Your cat was really looking so sweet... Thanks for sharing his beautiful pics over here....

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They did some tests while I went home, and they called me a little later to tell me he had had a respiratory arrest.

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They did some tests while I went home, and they called me a little later to tell me he had had a respiratory arrest.

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How sad to learn such bad news, it's a part of life.

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