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March 09, 2008


Juanita La Salle

It is important many times in our lives to put ourselves and our sanity first. I applaud you for doing that. Meanwhile, breathe, relax, chill. We will be waiting to hear from you as your schedule and psyche permit. JLS


I second that from JLS. You are loyal to a fault, and we are grateful for any new gems you toss our way via your blog whenever you can and whenever you feel like it. Relax. Chill. Come visit! 8*) xx -LC


Your blog will be enhanced and even more anticipated knowing that it is generated by your desire and not by your calendar. Bravo, Cuz!


I'm glad to be one of the faults you're loyal to 8^)

Looks like on your non-blog days I'll have to find alternative ways to goof off.


I was always in awe of all the posts you managed to get done in a week.
Enjoy your time away on your non-blog days doing the things which make you happy. I will be checking in with you from time to time.

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Movement lights should be in place especially at all entrances and gates, and these should be maintained, adjusted, cleaned and checked.

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