I was trying to figure out why I had ground fault interrupters on a couple of wall plugs, particularly since they didn't work after I flipped all the breakers in the fuse box last week trying to get the air conditioner to work, after it stopped because it was full of sandy sludge dredged up when my water stopped running because the well stopped because it had sucked up some of the same sludge. Painful, all. Now I can't get the wall plugs to work.
I found this site, Brother Bob's Tinker Shop. His explanations are clear and sometimes funny. He tackles a wide variety of things, from appliances through Z-coil. Okay, no z-coil, but I couldn't find anything starting with "z". Lots of other stuff, though: dishwashers, air conditioners, refrigerators and woodworking, and automotive, television and gardening.
I'm keeping this site on in my favorites, for the next time. I don't think I could have fixed the well, or the air conditioner, but maybe the microwave, or the plugged-up sink or things of that ilk, maybe.
[Image via USU Water Quality Extension]