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July 30, 2006



I stumbled across your blog while I was doing some online research. I find more great recommendations for reading selections by reading other people's blogs. This one looks terrific!

Alvin Lederer

Hello, my name is Alvin and i'm a South Florida Historian. I saw your review on Peter Matthiessens book and wondered if you read "lostmans river" and "bone by bone"??? they are the two other books in the watson trilogy. I am personal friends with Peter Matthiessen and the Watson Family. I also know a member of almost ever Family mentioned in the trilogy. I have researched Edgar Watson for about 10 years now and I have found that almost everything in the first book is true. I have been to the old cemetery in Ft. Myers and I saw your image that you posted of Edgar's marker. I look forward to talking with you if you want to e-mail me?


"Redneck Crackers"? You're a RACIST BITCH!

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