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« Overcast by Jean L. Connor | Main | Shark! Shark! »

February 26, 2006



I immediately thought of two things: Bonnie Raitt's "Let's Give 'Em Something to Talk About" and Miss Manners. Odd bedfellows? Anyway, part of me says, "Let 'em wonder -- and enjoy it!" The other part says something like the advice Judith Martin (I LOVE Miss Manners!) gives here:


I sympathise fully, rumours really are no fun. (Armaedes IS fun, but not to be taken seriously on serious matters... At least there's one more American with a sense of irony...)

Probably the only thing to do is ignore it, though, as long as the people involved know there's nothing.

Utterly annoying, that some people will always jump to the wrong conclusions! But part of what separates life from a movie is that most of the time your friends will know it's just a rumour... (In a movie they'd obviously call in a hitman, or at least discontinue their relationship with you. For at least 50 years. I hate films like that...)


The suspicion seems kind of silly to me. I'd think people engaged in a clandestine relationship would be exactly that - clandestine.


Keep your chin up girlfriend, you have done nothing to be ashamed of. The gossip mongers are the ones who should be hanging their heads, or at least wiping the egg off of their miserable faces.

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