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December 29, 2005



I also HAVE to get off my behind and do more exercise. Today I gave my sweetheart my jar of 'chocolate treats' and asked him to put it way up in a high cupboard that I can't reach with out getting the stepstool.I added that it would be nice if he would leave just ONE piece of chocolate out every day, so I wouldn't feel deprived.I did go to curves for a while, but after a while having to drive there got to be a drag.

idle hands

re: ellipticals. Yeah, I had one of those. Total backseat driver whenever I was on the computer. Plus it wasn't supposed to be for me in the first place. So to Craig's List it went. I will be ditching the car three days a week this year because I have to be in the real world to enjoy a walk. I am funny that way.

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