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« Scotland Bound | Main | Art and Remembrance »

October 29, 2005



Sound like you had a wonderful time! Good for you!

Let me say that a few months ago I too got hold of Lisa's book and I must say in all honesty I thoroughly enjoyed it! Wonderfully unsentimental yet emotional. Amazing dialogue and well - a great read!


awwwwwww, thanks for the love, ladies!

I love reading you too!

btw, timewasting link of the day rightchere:

Shawn Lea

I used to purposefully try not to smile in pictures because I crinkle my eyes up when I smile - now I see that I just crinkle my eyes up period...or maybe they're just all scrunched up on their own. Of course, to overcompensate for my eye scrunchiness I open them wider and look like I'm being goosed. I give up. Just smile about it, I guess... ;)

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