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« French Onion Soup | Main | "Forgetfulness" by Billy Collins »

September 21, 2005



I fear you are turning into a man!
What on earth were you thinking, using all that heavy equipment? You should never use hardware to hang curtains. Only the male gender does that.

This reminds me of why I have no curtains on any of my windows, having convinced myself that I prefer an airy, open look to dealing with reciprocating saws and the like.

Maybe you can just glue some velcro strips on the wall above the windows, attach the other side to the top of the curtains, and voila! Finished!

Or, get 2 of those spring-loaded rods, stick one on the top and one on the bottom of the inside of the window, sew a hem on the bottom of the curtains and thread top and bottom on the rods. A custom fit! Then cunningly tie a cord or bow or whatever around the middle of the curtain.

Or have someone come in and etch the glass with a nice cat design.

Or install stained glass windoows and skip the curtains.

Anyway, next time you need help with curtains, I will be happy to come over and have a glass of wine.

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